pondělí 8. prosince 2008

How to calculate age?

I offten have on my projects a lot of conditions, which depends on the age of the client, user, his wife or dog ;-).

Standard Java API is not very friendly for this use case. If you can't use JodaTime as me, I hope you appreciate this little calculator.

public class AgeCalculator {

public static int getAge(final Date dayOfBirth) {
return getAge(dayOfBirth, new Date());

public static int getAge(final Date dayOfBirth, final Date referenceDay) {
if (dayOfBirth == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'dayOfBirth' can't be null.");
if (referenceDay == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'referenceDay' can't be null.");

final Calendar calRef = Calendar.getInstance();

final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

final int yearRef = calRef.get(Calendar.YEAR);

final int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);

int result = yearRef - year;

cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, yearRef);
if (calRef.before(cal)) {

return result;


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